Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Mental Health Consequences Of Unemployment - 1130 Words

For many years, employers, sociologists, economists, and other various professions have argued the effects of technological advances replacing current employment in the workforce. If the unemployment rate were to decrease, it would bring upon a mass of societal complications including sociological issues, a gap between societal classes, and inferior choices that come with excess leisure time. A loss of work due to technological advances create a mass of sociological issues to society. In â€Å"The Mental Health Consequences of Unemployment† Rebbeca Rosen, senior editor of the Atlantic, reports that citizens who have been unemployed for six months or longer â€Å"...are more than three times as likely to be suffering from depression as those with†¦show more content†¦The effect was so severe that a term was coined to describe the fallout: regional depression.† In comparison to the women being kicked out of their new roles, they were also forced into a â€Å"re gional depression.† As a result, they began protesting their rights. Unavoidably, the increase of unemployment would create an overall psychological crisis. If all people, both women, and men were forced to unemployment, there would be an outbreak of chaos that could lead to yet another revolution. People are happier when they feel they hold a significant purpose in society. Without that purpose, what are humans here for? Furthermore, a depletion of jobs would create a significant gap in societal â€Å"classes†. Stephen Hawking, a famous physicist, and author suggests â€Å"Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution,†. Queen Elizabeth I also protests new â€Å"inventions† replacing human work by admitting â€Å"It would assuredly bring to them ruin by depriving them of employment, thus making them beggars.† A significant aspect of robots replacing humans is extreme inequality. Those who are replaced, such as cashiers, accountants, travel agents, and various types of operators, are now shoved down to the lowest class in society. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Analysis And Exploitation Of Geo Data - 1125 Words

INTRODUCTION â€Å"Today, many areas of our lives are digitized. The amount of data we generate has increased enormously and our every step can be tracked by the Internet, our smartphone or other mobile devices. The growing number of ways in which data can be stored and analyzed is threatening our privacy. However, with the current social and political climates we can expect little support on holding manufacturers and developers to their defined privacy regulations. As a society we must demand from these that our right to privacy is upheld and that consent for sharing our information is being sought.† THE ISSUE AT HAND â€Å"The fact that mobile devices are increasingly equipped with GPS sensors and that their market shares are on the raise has led to a completely new problem: the analysis and exploitation of geo-data. This exploitation has become possible because the functionality of smartphones can be enhanced through downloadable applications. Today’s indisputable availability of geo-data and the possibility to allocate individual devices to specific persons allows advertisers and investigative authorities to enter a new dimension when it comes to profiling – a field that promises high profits over the next few years (Working Party, 2011). Yet, users have little awareness of the consequences these profiling processes entail; on the other hand, many perceive their basic right to privacy as something negligible (Lyon, 2003). However, manufacturers and service providers rarelyShow MoreRelatedComponents Of Sustainable Water Resources Management Essay1396 Words   |  6 PagesCompone nts of Sustainable Water Resources Management ï‚ · Data Base Improvement ï‚ · Modelling Technology ï‚ · Sustainability Criteria ï‚ · Spatial Analysis Procedure ï‚ · Decision Support Systems Data Base Improvement Availability of reliable data on hydro-climatic patterns, water demands, spatial and temporal characteristics of surface water and sub-surface water bodies is essential for sustainable development of available water resources. Demand management and adaptation are essential components for improvingRead MoreWhy has Cambodia Remained So Poor Essay570 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction Cambodia is located in the South East Asia region, bordered by Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and the Gulf of Thailand. Currently it ranks 138 on the UNDP data set, in terms of Human Development, with a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.543 as of 2012. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Educational mobile games free essay sample

Students move about busy college campuses as they have done for decades, some quickly hurrying from one class to another, others on benches gaining extra study time moments before an exam, and some grabbing a coffee for that extra boost of energy. At a closer look, an observer would realize that each student was carrying the same thing. Not a backpack full of books, but their mobile phone, a device that if asked, many would say they never leave home without. A recent rapid advancement in the capabilities of mobile devices along with a decrease in price has enabled the mobile phone to become ubiquitous. In fact, there are now 5. 3 billion mobile subscriptions globally, which is about 77 percent of the world’s population (International Telecommunication Union, 2010). Although estimates are lower for rural areas, it is predicted that 80 percent of people living in rural communities have access to a mobile network. In fact, in places where infrastructure barriers have prevented developing countries from accessing the Internet, the majority of people access the Internet from their mobile devices (International Telecommunication Union, 2010). Even where infrastructure is not an issue, people are increasingly choosing to perform a variety of tasks on their mobile phones. InJapan, authors are even now composingnovels on mobile phones. In fact,in 2007, five of the year’s 10 best sellers were originally written on cell phones (Onishi, 2008). Undoubtedly, mobile devices are changing the way we live, work, and socialize. We can instantly access email from mobile devices, read articles, pay bills, send checks, buy clothing, play games, interact with others through social networking and SMS, and even check into a flight at the airport with a mobile boarding pass. Mobile devices are allowing users to perform a variety of tasks that once took multiple avenues to accomplish with the ease of a few clicks and touches, anytime, anywhere. But how are mobile devices changing the way we learn? The challenge for education is continuing to grow as students born in the digital and mobile age are approaching learning from a very different perspective than their predecessors. Learners are increasingly using digital tools and constructing and sharing knowledge in new ways (Looney Sheehan, 2001; Kimber et al. , 2002). These students, which Prensky (2001) labels â€Å"digital natives,† are conflicting with faculty who are often viewed as â€Å"digital immigrants. † Because â€Å"digital natives† and â€Å"digital immigrants† often have different expectations of what learning is and how it should be done, effectively teaching new generations of students with traditional methods will become increasingly more difficult. Students are beginning to demand more flexibility, alternative modes of delivery of instruction, and more multimedia-enriched and interactive course materials (Lam McNaught, 2006; Carlson, 2005). Thus, educators must rethink current pedagogical strategies, how they view technology, and how they define spaces dedicated to learning. Ultimately, shifting paradigms will benefit both students by increasing achievement and learning outcomes and universities by helping them remain competitive with alternative educational outlets (Collis Wende, 2002; Prensky, 2004). Incorporating mobile learning is just one potential way to meet the needs of both students and universities in the digital age. Within the past five years, the number of mobile learning games (MLGs) has snowballed. For commercial and for scientific use they have been developed for various target groups and learning contexts (Lilly and Warnes, 2009) such as role-based history learning (Akkerman et al. , 2009), interactively discovering the principles of digital economy (Markovic et al. , 2007) or geometry (Wijers et al. , 2010). Mobile learning games are considered to have potential for encouraging both cognitive and socio-affective learning in young adults (Mitchell, 2007). Also, Klopfer (2008) argues that mobile learning games enable situative learning offers that make a meaningful and valuable contribution to the process of learning by providing aspects such as temporal flexibility, natural communication or situated learning scenarios. The highly complex technologies and the many different gaming opportunities available make it increasingly difficult for educational practitioners to decide which game to choose for learning. Re-using and sharing a game is difficult without a clear and detailed description of the benefits, targeted learning outcomes and potential impact. There have been several efforts to find a common structure and language of games to better understand the complex issue (Bjork and Holopainen, 2004; Cook, 2010; Kelle et al. , 2011; Kiili and Ketamo, 2007). Still, there is a lack of scientifically acceptable methodology to evaluate mobile learning games. Technology is the power tools of today’s generation, computer and cellular phones are among the basic necessity in our everyday life. Information is simplified within the touch of our fingertips; communication is faster and clearer than ever, and computer gaming? It is the alternative for exercise on some students these days. This is the criteria of technological life, where people are content as long computers and other gadgets give all their needs; from information to satisfaction. With the increase of students relaying themselves on modern gadgets such as mobile phones and computers, taking them off with these technologies will be hard. Although the phase of technology was amazingly updated every now and then, the adaptation of the students is truly unimaginable. From a certain point of view, even in this era of technology, studying language vocabulary has been difficult due to its complexity. But because of the rapid progress and non-stop development of technology over time, there’s an undeniable decline in the interest learning the English language and computer related words since it takes a lot of time and effort to spend scanning the dictionary and browsing the book or internet just to look for the definition or meaning of the word. There are different methods used in teaching English and computer subject particularly vocabulary and parts of the computer. Professors facilitate various approaches in handling and delivering the subject. But teaching the subject by means of modern technology to make it more suitable on today’s era was still lacking. As the proponents we advocate to use the power of modern technology for teaching the subject computer. He But how we proposed to make it more enjoyable and educational? To be able to attain our goal, we approach one of the most common and yet effective way; by means of educational gaming. In making a game-based application that can be used as tool for learning. The characters and story of the game will demonstrate different character of adventure and information about computer. This will not only benefit the students but the professor’s as well for it will make it easier for them to reach out today’s generation of students. 1. 1 Statement of the Problem The intention of this project is to give information about computers and vocabulary to the students of Nueva Vizcaya State University Bambang Campus. By using an educational game that will uplift their interest on the subject, making them gain knowledge about computers. At present, many college students particularly those who took courses related to computers ask the relevance of English subject specifically vocabulary to their courses and planned career paths. Some of them wonder if it will be just a mere repetition of what they had learned during high school, so some of them think it’s just a waste of time and money. Thus, many students tend to be antagonistic to the subject. 1. 1. 1 Major Problem How to develop a game-based application that can suite the criteria of students to have fun while learning about vocabulary, computer related word and parts of the computer. A game-based application would be a convenient technological tool of learning to help the students in developing appreciation and deeper understanding the importance of familiarizing computer words and others. 1. 1. 2 Specific Problems 1. 1. 2. 1 How to familiarize with the different parts of the computer as well as the terminologies in computer together with other English words more interesting to students? 1. 1. 2. 2 How to make a role-playing game that can teach student about computer? 1. 1. 2. 3 How to make an educational game that will include characters and items that are based computer and the language as well? 1. 1. 2. 4 How to develop a role-playing game that can encourage students to play educational games rather than violent computer games? 1. 2 Current State of Technology Technology is the power tools of today’s generation, computer and cellular phones are among the basic necessity in our everyday life. Information is simplified within the touch of our fingertips; communication is faster and clearer than ever, and computer gaming? It is the alternative for exercise on some students these days. This is the criteria of technological life, where people are content as long computers and other gadgets give all their needs; from information to satisfaction. With the increase of students relaying themselves on modern gadgets such as mobile phones and computers, taking them off with these technologies will be hard. Although the phase of technology was amazingly updated every now and then, the adaptation of the students is truly unimaginable. Therefore, some universities and colleges initiated to use the advantage of modern technology in teaching their students. Like in other colleges and learning institutions, the administration use tablets and other portable computers as alternative for their books. They required their students to have at least a tablet computer instead of buying books. Lecture books will be at the form of e-books that will be stored on tablets. This will eliminate the heavy luggage, especially for the high school students, who bring their books more often. They can carry all their books literally in a single device, anytime, anywhere. Modern teaching techniques are now emerging. 1. 3 Objectives The objectives of this project will correspond to the statement of the problem declared in this documentation. 1. 3. 1 General Objectives To be able to develop a game-based application that is enjoyable while at the same time, making the students acquire knowledge about computer and the language. -To build a game-based application that will compensate students with the fun and challenge they endeavor to play. With various sets of information about computers, the game will help the students understand the lessons contained within the course. 1. 3. 2 Specific Objectives 1. 3. 2. 1 To be able to make the study about the computers and the language more interesting to students. Teaching the subject in other approach will hold the interest of students. Making the game enjoyable and educational will catch their enthusiasm to pay more attention in learning the life of Rizal. 1. 3. 2. 2 To be able to develop a role-playing game that can teach students about computer. 1. 3. 2. 3 To be able to develop an educational game that will include characters and items that is picture-based of computers. 1. 3. 2. 4 To be able to develop a role-playing game that can encourage students to play educational games rather than violent computer games. 1. 3. 3 Scope and Limitations 1. 3. 3. 1 Scope 1. 3. 3. 1. 1 Life and works of Dr. Jose P. Rizal– the game is based upon the life of Dr. Jose Rizal, his travel and ideals, his triumph and martyrdom. 1. 3. 3. 1. 2 Role-playing game– the game is on a role playing mode. Meaning the user will have to control the main character to complete various tasks on the game. 1. 3. 3. 1. 3 Classes – the user has the option to choose on what type of character they want to play, if they want to play as a gunman, swordsman or even as a grappler. Every class in the game is having a different attributes, like for the Grappler, the player is high on Attack and Defense, but low on Agility. 1. 3. 3. 1. 4 Attributes – both player and enemies has the unique kind of attributes, a Gunman class has high on Agility which means they attack much faster than the others. On enemies on the other hand, they also have attributes, like Bats that has a much higher Agility than the Gunman, they can evade attacks by their swiftness and can attack more agile than others. 1. 3. 3. 1. 5 Weapon – the weapon of every player is based upon its class, a certain type of weapon cannot be wield by two or more classes. 1. 3. 3. 1. 6 Accessories – the player can also wear some accessories for protection on some enemy’s strong point. Like wearing a mask to prevent paralysis from bee bites. 1. 3. 3. 1. 7 Skills – every class and enemies has different skill, which is not too far from their actual nature. Rats for example have some poisonous skills that can poison the player, Bats have their Sonic Wave that can confuse their opponent, and Bees have those stings that can paralyze whoever they encounter. 1. 3. 3. 1. 8 Quests– the entire gaming quest is pack with information that the player may be heard for the first time about Rizal, and some other information encircling specific items. 1. 3. 3. 1. 9 Side Questing– side questing will be found in the game, it will be intended to provide information about the subject, regardless on the main quest. 1. 3. 3. 1. 10 Cut-scenes –the game is built with cut-scene movies, to provide more information and make the game more interesting. 1. 3. 3. 1. 11 Items–some items in the game are based on the works of Jose Rizal. Others are just quest items. 1. 3. 3. 1. 12 Non-player characters (NPC)– there are characters in the game that provide more information than quests, although they are not interactive players, NPC’s have information about Rizal that are useful in completing quest. 1. 3. 3. 1. 13 Experience– the main character can level-up. This will be based upon the given EXP points on battles and quests. By leveling up, the character can access some maps with restriction and limit. 1. 3. 3. 1. 14 Controls– the games use common keyboard controls, and can be altered according to the gamers want. 1. 3. 3. 1. 15 Game Plot– the game plot is based on the life and works of Rizal, other plots on the game are related un-proportionally to the main game plot. 1. 3. 3. 1. 16 Game Tutorial– it is useful to first time role-playing gamers to familiarize the flow of the game and basic controls. 1. 3. 3. 1. 17 Forging and Smithing – it is a game feature where the main character can enhance their weapons by means of special forging items. 1. 3. 3. 1. 18 Forging Items – these are the rare items on the game which can derive from fulfilling its requirements, like when smiting an ordinary Katana into a much superior Golden Katana, the ingredients to make the latter is Gold Bars, Gold Bars are rare in the game, the player can only achieved them by means of refining 30 pieces Gold Ores. 1. 3. 3. 1. 19 Special Maps – there are special maps in the game where you can encounter rare enemies and has a chance to gain rare items. 1. 3. 3. 1. 20 Alchemy – it is a game feature where the player can mix ingredients to create medicines and antidotes for various states like poison, paralysis, and stun. 1. 3. 3. 1. 21 Battles – the game has battle features where the player can encounter various enemies with different fighting attributes. 1. 3. 3. 1. 22 Item Drop –Enemies can drop items that is useful for the player, this drop items can sometimes be found in NPC’s. 1. 3. 3. 2 Limitations 1. 3. 3. 2. 1 Multiplayer – the game is not subjected to be played by two or more players at the same time. 1. 3. 3. 2. 2 Gaming Platform – the game is mobileBased. It cannot be played on other game consoles. 1. 3. 3. 2. 3 Internet– the game is not subjected to be played via online. 1. 3. 3. 2. 4 Operating System Compatibility –the game is only compatible on android. It will not function in other OS such as java. 1. 3. 3. 2. 5 Localization (Language) –the game is in the English language, it is a way to reach out other gamers especially our countrymen from the south, like Visayas and Mindanao, who prefer English than Tagalog. 1. 3. 3. 2. 6 Character Interface Selection –the user cannot change the default image of the main character. 1. 3. 3. 2. 7 Gender Selection –the user cannot change or select the gender of the main character. 1. 3. 3. 2. 8 Security Issue –since the game is open for all students and other gamers, the security level is not that effective. 1. 3. 3. 2. 9 Saving Issue –the game has no gamer’s account, If you want to retrieve your game in a public computer, the gamer must save the data on a flash drive or any portable storage devices.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Downs are the Ups in a Topsy-Turvy Life free essay sample

Apparently alcoholism is a disease†¦ But you can’t just catch it from being around a drunkard nor have alcoholism transmitted into your blood from another specimen. Doesn’t that defeat the definition of a disease? If you ask me, alcoholism is not a disease. It is a substance cowards waste their money on to run away from their problems of life. Oh, and I mean ‘run away’ as in passing out on the kitchen floor, bathroom floor, bed, you know, wherever they happen to drop—doesn’t really matter where. Quite frankly, drunkards don’t get much running done. Growing up your whole life with a drunken parent isn’t fun nor is it easy. The loving parent-child relationship is never formed like it should’ve been long ago. Now, for the rest of the paper let us forget the alcoholic parent. Let’s view the child under the microscope. We will write a custom essay sample on The Downs are the Ups in a Topsy-Turvy Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How do they feel? What are their goals? How does everything they do change from having the influences of an alcoholic parent? Let me be the one to tell you from firsthand experience. My earliest memories were the good times. The irony in that is that my mother is absent. The next earliest memories with my mother are brutal, scary even†¦ When I was six and seven years old my mother, her boyfriend, and I lived in a house in Hainesport, NJ. It was the worst year of my life. I would often suffer from insomnia as a little girl. Cartoon network was on yet sleep never came. The screams erupted from downstairs. The curious little girl named Nicole, me, would creep out her bedroom door which was at the top of the steps. Then she would slide down a few steps so she could peak between the railings. Mommy being choked with an extension cord, gasping for breath, boyfriend screaming ‘what’s it like to breathe?!’ What’s a little girl to do? Shed a few tears but she was used to this. She scurried up the stairs soundlessly to lie in her dark room with the cartoons usually sleeplessly. How else would I know what Gumby was? Inevitably, Mommy would b e there in the morning. The next morning, she would be alive. Of course, she was but our house was dead. Glass shattered across the floor, phone broken, everything scattered across the floor, spots of blood here and there. Hell had officially broken loose in my home†¦ My home. A mess. A disaster. Soon, we would move away from this broken home and retreat back to my grandmother’s. My safe haven. My grandmom’s is a warm welcoming place but my mother’s â€Å"disease† wasn’t cured. It would never be cured. My own young mind in a battlefield with itself†¦ Was I the one who caused her to do the things she did? Did I stress her out so much that there was no other way for her to react? As I grew older it only seemed to grow worse. Still to this day endless name calling, put downs, excessive verbal abuse. I deal. I always have. One only gains strength by how many times you get back up after being knocked off your feet. As I grew older I bottled everything inside. I became a ticking time bomb by attempting to shelter myself. When would I go off? It was the 1st of April my junior year when I finally did go off. It was like I woke up a different person. My whole world was distorted. It only got worse as days progressed. I couldn’t talk with anyone. It was almost as if I couldn’t hear. When someone said something to me or called my name I’d only acknowledge them if they were screaming in my face. I had no time perception. Nor could I decipher between my dream-state and reality. It was like a part of me wanted so desperately to believe that my entire life were one huge nightmare (it was easier that way)†¦ Wanted to believe that I’d soon wake up a perfect daughter in a perfect bed on the perfect day with a perfect life and a perfect family. While the other part of me subconsciously knew this wasn’t true. It would never be true. How could it ever be true? I was lost in my own mind is one of the only ways I could describe it simply. This psychotically delusional episode ended me in Kennedy’s Child Adolescent Psychiatric Unit. They’re extremely nice people there and they helped me through recovery. Even before my rare episode, I’ve known this; my episode just helped me understand it better in a way. It was a learning experience. My mother puts me down because she’s insecure in herself as a mother. Putting me down makes her feel powerful like the parent figure. She wants the best for me but doesn’t know how to express it. After reading this, you may believe my mother has been one of my worst influences in my life. I would have to agree with some aspects of that; I’ve grown to resent the woman I call my mother with every ounce of my loving soul†¦ Yet, somehow she managed to teach me a hell of a lesson. She taught me not to be like her. She taught me to be better than her. Taught me to go beyond the expectations. To go to college. To make something of myself instead of being a drunken waitress making minimum wage struggling to make what ends we have meet. Through all the underlying hatred she’s managed to inspire me to be all that I can possibly be. Sometimes, all the negatives in your life can make a positive. I’m not looking down from here. Only up. Up to all the wonders in the world saying ‘that could be me!’

Thursday, November 28, 2019

My Assembly Reflection Paper free essay sample

I am glad I spoke at the assembly. At first when I had Michael Pritchard (well- known speaker about bullying) was coming I thought, well it just another speaker (who’s) that’s here to tell us about bullying, something I don’t even do. But when I heard him speak I was moved by his speech. I could not believe that he had the courage to tell us students of the WRHS what we have done wrong. That when it hit me when Mr. Pritchard was calling people down I thought I should tell my story. After my friend John spoke I raised my hand and Mr. Pritchard picked me. I was shaking when I got up there. I said my name then I told my story of how I lost my mother when I was five and how I had a hard time making friends in school and how I was always alone . We will write a custom essay sample on My Assembly Reflection Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I just plainly told people that I sick and tired of being the butt of their jokes. After my speech I got a hug from friend and Michael Pritchard. I feel now I have good respect from people in school . And most of it comes from my dad and my step mom. I also fell since the speech I have more respect from people. Well before I end I would like to thank my dad, step mom Patti , my Grammy and my auntie Kate for there love and support through this . I would also like to thank a few people from school Doctor Mark Dotter for being a really great councilor. Erin the guidance secretary for being a person I can talk to when I just need someone to talk to in school And last but not least, Mr. Mower for cheering me up when I am down and just being a great mentor I can just come and talk to.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Olaudah Equiano Essays - Olaudah Equiano, Free Essays, Term Papers

Olaudah Equiano Essays - Olaudah Equiano, Free Essays, Term Papers Olaudah Equiano An ironsmith, ship steward, crewman, cook, clerk, navigator, amateur scientist, and even a hairdresser. These are all jobs that Olaudah Equiano held during his lifetime. He has been called the most influential African writer in both Africa, America and Britain before the Civil War, and was born in Essaka, Nigeria sometime during 1745 (O'Neale, 153). His family was part of the Ibo tribe, which was located in the North Ika Ibo region of Essaka. In his earliest years, Olaudah Equiano was trained in the art of war. His daily exercises included shooting and throwing javelins. As he states in his autobiography, two men and a woman, who came over the walls while the rest of the family was away, abducted Olaudah and his sister in 1756 (Equiano, 356). He was only eleven years old. The two of them would only be reunited when Equiano was sold a second time. They did not remain together that long because he would be sold again. Olaudah Equiano would eventually be sold to a man by the name of Michael Henry Pascal, an officer of the British Royal Navy, who set sail for the American continent. Michael Pascal renamed him Gustavus Vassa. In the years that followed, Olaudah became a great seaman and sailed around the world. His stops included the slave-trading islands of the West Indies, England, Ireland, Wales, France, Portugal, Italy, Central America, Georgia, Virginia, Philadelphia and New England. It seemed that he traveled everywhere except to where he really wanted to go, which was Africa. It was during these years that he learned the English language and values from a seaman by the name of Richard Baker. By 1759 Equiano had become fully articulate in the English language. He fought for the British during the seven-year war against France. Even though he had earned his freedom by fighting in the war, Pascal would not grant Equiano his freedom. Instead he confiscated all of Equiano's books and sold him to the captain of a slave ship in 1763. His new owner, Robert King, would eventually sell Equiano his freedom in 1766 for 70 pounds. Robert King asked Equiano to remain as his employee and Equiano did. This led him to Georgia where he was almost captured and resold into slavery. It was also during this time that Equiano got rid of the name Gustavus Vassa. In 1768, Equiano returned to London, England and began an apprenticeship to a hairdresser. It was also during this time that he became employed by Dr. Charles Irving. It was with Dr. Irving that Equiano would go to the North Pole in 1773 and barely escaped death when their ship struck an iceberg. In 1786 Equiano was appointed commissary for Stores for the Black Poor. This was a social outreach group of the British antislavery movement that saw returning blacks to Africa as the best way to end British slave trade (O'Neale, 157). He was fired after five months because of a conflict he had with Joseph Irwin. This conflict drew criticism onto Equiano but he would regain his status in the abolition movement by publishing responses to the criticism in the British newspapers. In 1789, Equiano's autobiography was published in London and by 1790 Equiano was fully involved in the antislavery movement in Britain. He petitioned the Queen and the Parliament to end the slavery. The following year the autobiography was published in America. It has been said no black voice before Frederick Douglass in his Narrative of 1845 spoke so movingly to American readers about inhumanity (Murphy,354). Equiano would finally settle and marry Susan Cullen on April 7, 1792. They had two girls who were named Ann Marie and Johana. Some sources say Equiano died in 1801 while others say 1797. We are not sure which one is correct. One of his daughters did die a few months after he did. His wife and other daughter then left the limelight and no record of them has been found. Equiano's book has lasted over two hundred years and has gone through eight editions. And is still being called the most successful prose work written by an African in the Western World until the start of the Amer ican

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Negative Effects on Children Living In a Single Family Household Research Paper

The Negative Effects on Children Living In a Single Family Household - Research Paper Example One of the consequences that have been experienced by children living in a single parent family household is that children in such families fail to perform well in their educational sphere. This is because when one single parent is running the entire household, they are able to provide less amount of support to their children in shape of emotional as well as monetary support. The educational opportunities that are available to a child of single parent family are much lower than their counterparts. Douglas B. Bowney conducted a research on the educational performance of children living in single father or mother led family households and figured out that those children who were living in such households were not performing as good as the children living in two parent families (Downey, 1994). Due to lack of support in single parent family, children are not provided proper supervision and guidance. Their parents are mostly out at work in order to meet the financial needs and when they come back to their home, they tend to rest because of their hectic working schedules. Children in single parent families even fail to differentiate between right and wrong as the parents are not home to inform them about behaviors that are accepted by the society and behaviors that are considered as deviant. According to Stephen Demuth and Susan L. Brown’s research, children who are born and raised in a single parent household are at a higher risk of committing criminal activities as compared to those who live with two biological parents (Demuth, 2004). Another issue experienced by children living in households of single parent is that they experience ample amount of emotional issues. Children who experience child abuse and divorce are at a higher risk of developing behavioral as well as emotional issues. These children tend to exhibit aggressive behaviors and may even experience higher amount of stress and depression because they